Case Study: TrueSkill - Bridging Learning and Consulting

Client Background:

Client: TrueSkill

Project Duration: 4 months (Ongoing)

Executive Summary:

RepSoft collaborated with TrueSkill to develop a versatile digital platform that seamlessly integrates a wide array of online courses and multi-domain consulting services. This case study showcases the creation of a unified platform functioning as a Learning Management System (LMS) for courses and a comprehensive hub for diverse consulting, catering to TrueSkill's extensive offerings and enhancing user experience.


TrueSkill faced the challenge of providing a unified platform that efficiently delivered a diverse range of courses while seamlessly offering multi-domain consulting services. The goal was to create a singular digital space that caters to both educational needs and a plethora of professional consulting requirements.


  • Unified Platform for Diverse Courses and Multi-Domain Consulting:
    • Course Catalog: A user-friendly platform showcasing a wide variety of courses, including detailed descriptions, outlines, and interactive learning materials.
    • User Progress Tracking: Tools to monitor user progress, quiz results, and completion certificates seamlessly integrated into the course interface.
    • Consulting Hub: A dedicated section within the platform offering an extensive range of consulting services across multiple domains, featuring a centralized dashboard for real-time project insights, document management, and secure client communication tools.

Technologies Utilized:

  • Architecture: Monolithic
  • Frontend Design: Figma
  • Frontend Development: React
  • Backend Development: Node.js
  • Database: MongoDB for flexibility and scalability.
  • Cloud Hosting: AWS (Amazon S3, EC2)
  • Version Control: GitHub for collaborative development and version tracking.
  • Collaboration Platform: Slack for real-time communication and team collaboration.
  • Agile Process: Utilized Scrum methodology for iterative and collaborative development.
  • Email Communication: SES (Simple Email Service)


The integrated platform has successfully addressed TrueSkill's challenges by providing a unified space for education and consultancy across a vast spectrum.

  • Efficient Learning and Consulting: Users seamlessly navigate through an extensive range of courses and consulting services on a single, user-friendly platform.
  • Streamlined User Experience: The unified approach has led to positive user experiences, with learners and clients appreciating the convenience and integrated tools.

Future Roadmap:

RepSoft and TrueSkill plan to continue refining and expanding the platform. Future developments may include additional courses, enhanced consultancy features, and integrations with external tools to further enrich the user experience.


The collaboration between RepSoft and TrueSkill exemplifies the success of creating a unified platform that serves both educational and multi-domain consultancy needs. The integrated technologies and collaborative tools stand as a testament to RepSoft's commitment to delivering innovative solutions that seamlessly blend learning and professional services.